
National Statistics

The database of DIC is a comprehensive data source where professional data is compiled from internationally recognised data sources. It comprises wide range of datasets across several countries in Africa. The data are national statistical data relating to the most important sectors including the economy, population, education, agriculture, tourism, health, and energy. They are available in formats relevant to the workflow of our clients.


Data Modelling

With the use of AI and data science models, we can support you by analysing data relating to your business faster and accurately. These insights can help you make more effective adjustments and plan better for the future. We develop tools for the discovery, visualisation, comparison, and advance forecasting of data.


Fault detection

Our team of experts are highly skilled in the design and implementation of structures/systems that allow the detection of faults in electric power and water supply systems in real time. The fault detection system we develop is based on signals and provides the location of the fault.

We also offer solutions to electricity theft from illegal connections in the power grid system. With advance models for automatic electricity theft detection, we can help utility companies solve the problem of inefficient electricity inspection.